Crypto Taxes For Beginners

Expertise - North American Jurisdictions
New to Crypto and Taxes?
Cryptocurrency ("Crypto") had a banner year in 2021 going maintstream with new adopters hodling bitcoin, new etherians minting NFT's, and many new users trading, staking, earning, and interacting with crypto in new ways. For new users, the advent of tax season means that you will be responsible for determining what crypto tax reporting you are responsible for. This can be daunting for new users in the space. We have launched our consultancy to walk you through crypto tax rules and regulations, walk you through how to structure and analyze crypto transactions for tax purposes, and learn how to file your transactions for future tax years.
The most fun part about our offering: we will also help you further your experience with our new and exciting peer to peer transaction currencies, utilizing stablecoins and bitcoin to settle bills for our services.
Our service will give you the tools to understand the basics of crypto transactions and income taxes, learn how to manage your tax reporting obligations for the 2021 tax season and future tax years, and better your understanding of the crypto and blockchain space using peer to peer transactions on the blockchain to memorialize our relationship and services.
Drop us a note via email or through our contact form, and we will set up a free consult to virtually discuss your situation and tax reporting needs. From there, we will help you prepare your crypto transactions for tax season and give you the confidence to prepare your own taxes in future years.

How it works
We are here to help you through your first experience with cryptocurrency and your tax reporting responsibilities. Even with KYC exchanges, tax reporting is a taxpayer responsibility in most cases, which can be daunting for new and inexperienced investors who are either new to crypto, tax reporting, or both!
You will have the comfort of discussing your tax needs face to face (virtually) with us directly
Similar investing experiences as you over the past several years but with the added benefit of work experience in the crypto and tax reporting industries
For the cost of an extra state return, we will teach you the nuts and bolts of how to prepare your own return for future crypto transactions